December Rose!
During the second week of December, a week later than normal, the leaves finally fell from the last remaining branches around Darrynane, yet rather than a displeasing scene, a host of colour appeared in the garden. A pretty pink Rose reaches towards the sky, as another is losing its petals. Red buds of the Camelia prepare to brighten this dark green bush, at least a month earlier than usual, while clumps of yellow primroses pop up in the middle of the flower beds. The Azaleas scattered around the garden have fully formed buds at the end of every branch – it shows how mild it has been even though the forecasters suggested different!!.
- Christmas Primroses!
Well another year nearly over and what a topsy turvy one it has been for both the cottages and our family too.
We had building work going on in The Lodge February, March and April, and then in October we started in Lakeside with remedial work outside the cottage and decorating the lounge too. Darrynane House utility room has been re-plastered making it a lot cleaner and serviceable and much nicer for guests and ourselves to use. It seemed like Andy was here all year. Our family has had its struggles with job loses, ill health and pet bereavements but as we creep through the final weeks of 2013, I don’t want to say too much but everything is more settled and we’re on the up – I think!
We are delighted with the cottages this year with many old and lots of new faces arriving for a well earned break, whether a few days or a few weeks, it has been great and 2014 is booking up steadily.
The weather in 2013 has been a real boost and to everyone’s delight Bank holiday forecasts presented dry and warm spells – and they were right! A fabulous Summer followed with sun drenched days and many of them and then we stumbled upon a mild and lovely Autumn. For us it has been the best year weather wise for a number of years and we really, really enjoyed it.
As for our family – for those who have known us since we moved here in 1998 or not long after, Tim is working and living in Bristol having a job he loves and now accommodation with really good house mates. Seb is working in Tintagel. After a very difficult time at university he has opted out for the moment and has found a full time job he is enjoying – he tells me every day is different. He is living at home, it’s lovely to see his confidence growing back. David is nearly fully fit, although he does get tired and Amiesha is happy at Truro College doing A levels. Our October arrival, Frodo, has been a great addition to our family and provided us all with a positive focus after a difficult year and when Pebbles became ill he kept us going as Pebbles did when we lost Marsy in August. Times change very quickly!Frodo!
We have just dug out this year’s Christmas tree that we planted a couple of years ago – it’s looking good and just the right size for the place I want to put it. We just need to introduce Frodo to it and explain, nicely, what he can and cannot do.
A big thank you to all who visited this year and to those who tried or who have booked for next too!